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[SOLVED] Custom URL rewrite problem

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I have created a custom page that lists counties from a table in my database. When a user clicks a county a list of towns associated with that county appears. The pages work great but when I try to rewrite the URLS then it still works but it adds the query to the end of the URL.


Here's what I want: www.mysite.com/1/merseyside.html (1 is the county id)

Here's what I get: www.mysite.com/1/merseyside.html?c=1&county=merseyside


It's adding the ?c=1&county=merseyside to the re-written URL.


Here's what I've added to the top of my .htaccess file (in the root directory of my site).

RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\.html$ mypage.php?&c=$1&county=$2

Is there another .htaccess file that this rule needs to go in as I can't seem to see how the category and product URLs are rewritten.


If anyone can help I'd be extremely grateful.

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thanks for information that you solved it, and where the problem was

as you suggested - im going to mark this thread as [solved]


anyway, you can also mark own topics as solved, here is an instruction:



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thanks in advance

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