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How to enable "Choose size" text in drop-down on combinations?

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  On 9/11/2013 at 4:38 PM, vekia said:

you have to define combinations for each product, it is necessary. So my question is: you defined combinations for each product?

any chance to check your website? if so - please share url


Yes i have defined combinations for each product Color-Size and every color is defined to every product image. Here is my site: http://profildax.se 

My example: product page: http://profildax.se/t-shirt/2-pw-t-shirt-140.html

Edited by Majidoff (see edit history)
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The question is about having a prompt appearing by default in the dropdown box for a product attribute, rather than the value of the attribute for the default combination.


On many websites you would see "--Please Select--" or something similar in the box (such as Majidoff's suggestion of "Choose size"), and you would not be able to proceed unless you make a selection from the dropdown list.


This removes the risk of the customer just placing the default combination in the cart - they would be forced to select the desired attribute(s). This avoids subsequent order queries/amendments, issuing of credit notes, etc.

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  On 9/11/2013 at 7:40 PM, stottycabanas said:

The question is about having a prompt appearing by default in the dropdown box for a product attribute, rather than the value of the attribute for the default combination.


On many websites you would see "--Please Select--" or something similar in the box (such as Majidoff's suggestion of "Choose size"), and you would not be able to proceed unless you make a selection from the dropdown list.


This removes the risk of the customer just placing the default combination in the cart - they would be forced to select the desired attribute(s). This avoids subsequent order queries/amendments, issuing of credit notes, etc.



Yes, but I don't know how this will work with combinations (weak area for me),  but one needs to set the 'default' combination.


Personally I would just change the text of the drop down (just to left of) to 'Size'.  The default combination will be displayed and should be more than obvious enough.  And one could set the default size to the most popular size...just one less click for the customer.. :)

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Not sure if this will work but I had to do something similar. What about creating an attribute value under size named "Select Size". There is an example on some of our products where we needed to control optional items and in our case the default is "None" so I created an attribute value under "opening size" called "none" http://www.whispardesign.com/window-treatment-cornice/99-cornice-palisade-metals


I am thinking that by adding the "Select Size" attribute value, it will be obvious to customers that they need to do just that. Otherwise, as Stotty said, it would be a custom module or script to achieve this.

Edited by Whispar1 (see edit history)
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Looking at your site, Whispar1, what you have is indeed similar, but not the same. You're using 'None' as the value of an attribute (i.e. None is a valid choice) - I assume you would have had to set up product combinations which include 'None'.


What the OP is after is a prompt which is not an attribute value. 'Select Size' would convey the right instruction to the customer, but you'd have to set up a product combination including Select Size as the default. This means giving it a stock quantity, which means confusing/erroneous Out of Stock messages if that goes to zero - not to mention the possibility that they end up with 'Select Size' appearing in their cart if they click on that.


I think it would have to be custom coding.

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Can anyone help me to figure out where and how i should add this feature? Is it product.php or .tpl which need to be edited in that case what should i change ? The case is exactly as stottycabanas described (thanks for that ;) ) i have already tried to add combination "--Select--" and make it as deafult but because of the stock information and the email nofitication module which is installed it generates big problems.



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  • 4 months later...

I too have been looking everywhere for a solution to this - it seems that there must be a default setting (rather than forcing an initial choice) and without this it is all too easy to buy the wrong thing, because attributes have not been specifically chosen.


I've got this far, much as others have: to add an attribute --Choose -- to a combination and make this the default. I thought of setting that to have a negative price equal to the selling price, so that if one of the other selections was not made, it would show a 0 price, but that is no good because the price ought to be displayed.


What would be ideal is if the purchase button was disabled until a choice was made (ie. force a choice from the default 'Choose'), but I can't find anyone producing code or a module for that.


So I'm trying to get my head around whether it is possible to set 'Choose' to be an unavailable product for all countries or all groups or something, to prevent anyone being able to 'buy' 'choice'. That would effectively force a choice to one of the other options before a purchase is made.


But I can't get my head round whether this is possible, or how to do it. Any other suggestions (a module popup perhaps - module rather than code affecting the core files) as I see other threads refer to this problem. I really want to avoid the chance of chargebacks and returns because a customer ordered the wrong thing by mistake.


Thanks for ideas.

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And I think I might have found one method.


In my combination group I have three prices depending on three options for the product (so, four total attributes):


Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3


Normally, Choice 1 would be the default, but I want to force someone to choose from 1, 2 or 3 and thus alter from the first --Choose--


I specified quantities available to 1, 2 and 3, but set the quantity of 'Choose' to 0.


The product page, by default, now has a red box with 'This product is no longer in stock with those attributes but is available with others.' showing. Crucially, the payment button does not appear. Then, in the translations section, edit the translation for the Product module in the Front Office Translations, so that the text reads:


You must make a selection

before you can make a purchase


[Which has to be entered in two sections, the second and third down in this translation set).


At least, it works and forces a customer to make a choice (for my products, there will never be a combination that is out of stock, as the options relate to where items are posted, not to different stock, but that means it won't work for everyone). It does hide the purchase button though, until a choice is made. I'd quite like to see if this colour background can be separated from others (ie. to change it and not others using the same red), just to make it different and make the text larger or something.


It's not ideal and there might still be a better way using groups set to not being able to purchase items, but at least it's an easy, reversible change with no core code being altered. Any better ideas that work?

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I also think it is sorely needed, not as a work around as I have tried. Any my work around means that if a product did run out, the display would not be good.


Somewhere, that split sentence implies that some other combination of buttons or choices would have produced a different sentence displayed to the customer. Now I have changed it, somewhere else a nonsense sentence might appear - I don't know which half of the original split pair might turn up. Anyone know how that original sentence pairs up in different ways, and what else controls it appearing (other than the combination set that has been changed here)?


So my solution works, but not perfectly. I still suspect there might be a better way using groups locked to that 'choose' option and made unavailable for purchase.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

In my shop (PS I do this by little code modification in template "product.tpl" Maybe this will help You.
This code:

{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
<option value="{$id_attribute|intval}"{if (isset($smarty.get.$groupName) && $smarty.get.$groupName|intval == $id_attribute) || $group.default == $id_attribute} selected="selected"{/if} title="{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option>
Replace by this one:

<option value="choose" selected="selected" title="--choose--">{l s='--choose--'}</option>
{foreach from=$group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute}
<option value="{$id_attribute|intval}" {if (isset($smarty.get.$groupName) && $smarty.get.$groupName|intval == $id_attribute)} selected="selected" {/if} title="{$group_attribute|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">

But this modyfication have some weak points too... You can't set default combination for product from BO, --choose-- will be always default. I think in some cases You should edit product "availability_statut" translations too.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 5/26/2015 at 6:42 PM, MaartenB said:



The solution from cronic_pl is almost wat i am looking for.


But when the shoppingcartbutton is hidden i want to place a text (or another button) on that place.


Anybody any idea how to do it?




I have the same problem, how did you solve it?

I want to show the button add to cart when there is the value: Choose 




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  • 8 months later...

Hello, We everyone having big issue in prestashop 1.6.x Versions in iPhone.


I would like to prestashop team should investigate this issue as soon as possible.


Please check my website here.


I have this product http://demo-server1.com/gemmeo/clothing/2-blouse.html


Open this product in your iPhone. and choose size from small to medium or large and try adding the product to cart and it wont work. even the close button not working. they cant able to go to proceed checkout unless the refresh the page.


The issue is happen when you choose different size and trying to add the product to cart. For default combinations its working fine.


Please check and provide the solutions for this. otherwise it will be big loss for peoples who using the store 1.6.x versions.


I have developed more then 10 prestashop websites in 1.6.x versions and all the website having the same issue in iPhone. its working perfect in other phones and desktop. Only in iPhone the issue is available and its affecting the sales since everyone now a days using iPhone and placing the order through phone. So please help us to fix this issue.






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  On 11/8/2016 at 7:16 AM, ragualnfreelance said:

Hello, We everyone having big issue in prestashop 1.6.x Versions in iPhone.


I would like to prestashop team should investigate this issue as soon as possible.


Please check my website here.


I have this product http://demo-server1.com/gemmeo/clothing/2-blouse.html


Open this product in your iPhone. and choose size from small to medium or large and try adding the product to cart and it wont work. even the close button not working. they cant able to go to proceed checkout unless the refresh the page.


The issue is happen when you choose different size and trying to add the product to cart. For default combinations its working fine.


Please check and provide the solutions for this. otherwise it will be big loss for peoples who using the store 1.6.x versions.


I have developed more then 10 prestashop websites in 1.6.x versions and all the website having the same issue in iPhone. its working perfect in other phones and desktop. Only in iPhone the issue is available and its affecting the sales since everyone now a days using iPhone and placing the order through phone. So please help us to fix this issue.

Any one can answer please ?

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  • 10 months later...



The only way I could solve this was to add the default combination to the label value :


This worked for me :


Instead of <option value="choose" selected="selected" title="--choose--">{l s='--choose--'}</option>


I used it like this :


<option value="{$group.default}" selected="selected" title="--choose--">{l s='--choose--'}</option>


This way if the user does not make a selection - it assumes the default option.


Hope this helps someone.

Edited by mwhym (see edit history)
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