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I've done product import from csv. Everything gone fine, but after some time i realised thas some features are missing.

After import everyting was ok. Every feature was on product. But after 2 hours when i've checked random product - missing 2-3 features. On some other product also similiar situation - missing 2-3 features. And what is interesting not the same. So if on one product is missing for example year, author, number of pages, on othe can be missin author, publisher and ISDN. No rule which features are missing on which product.

Becosue it's new shop i import products again, but i doesn't solve the problem. Another import - everytnig ok, few hours later - missing features... again.


I've search and there was some information that may be related with some PS bug in import - afeter import everything is ok, but after edit of one product, features are deleted on other products - something with linking and variable custom on feature set to 1. I've tried to change that value on import to 0 but with no effect.


If someone has similar problam or knows solution to my problem i will be very grateful.


PS version

Edited by ptaflinski (see edit history)
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