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Search doesn't work - Prestashop

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Hello everyone,

Before I'll start I just want to let you know that I was looking for solution for long time and I couldn't solve the problem so I decided to post here. Okay, lets go straight to the point.

Recently I've made an online shop only for customers from Germany. Everything was working perfectly including search block. After that I was asking to create the same shop but this time for people from Austria. So I created a second instance by copying the first one. I've made some adjustment in taxes, prices, delivery options and modules but after that I've noticed the search doesn't work anymore. Ajax search doesn't open anymore during the typing and after I click search button, this sentence shows up: 'No results found for your search "word" '. Like I said, I was trying to find a solution for this problem and so far I've tried this:

1. In BO, In Preferences tab under Search section I've tried to Add missing products to index, and Re-build the entire index. And even tho I've done this on All shops and my "Indexed products" shows 178/178 problem still appears. On main shop (for Germany) search works smooth and clear, but for Austria does not.

2. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/212614-prestashop-1473-search-suddenly-not-working-within-last-few-days/?do=findComment&comment=1051001 In this post someone said that a small change in /classes/Search.php should resolve the issue but the problem is that my Search.php file is already updated due to the newer version of Prestashop and in line 56 I have: '\x{e000}-\x{f8ff}\x{fb29}\x{fd3e}-\x{fd3f}\x{fdfc}-\x{fdfd}'.

At the end I would like to say that in my database, table ps_search_index has a lot of records. The same situation is with table ps_search_word BUT when I want to select from this table only records with id_shop for Austria it shows 0 records in result.

Can someone help me to resolve this issue? Its quite important to get search to work because in the future I might have to open a few more shops and Prestashop is a good CMS to do so.

Any help will be appreciated! And sorry for my english because its not my native language!

Edited by mmortezz (see edit history)
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I think the reason is the products for second shop haven't been indexed. I've tried to create second shops by cloning of the 1-st shop under and 1.5.5 and ps_search_word has been filled with second shop index on the stage of cloning.



In BO, In Preferences tab under Search section I've tried to Add missing products to index, and Re-build the entire index. And even tho I've done this on All shops and my "Indexed products" shows 178/178 problem still appears. On main shop (for Germany) search works smooth and clear, but for Austria does not.


What if you try to rebuild the index only for second shop context?

Are the search settings correct for second shop context: are Indexation, Ajax Search allowed?

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What if you try to rebuild the index only for second shop context?

Are the search settings correct for second shop context: are Indexation, Ajax Search allowed?


If I tries to rebuild the index only for second (Austria) shop unfortunately the problem still exists. And yes, both settings (Indexation and Ajax Search) are correct.


Since yesterday I've tried also to copy files/folders like:




from the current version of Prestashop ( but it didn't solve my problem.


So I'm still looking for any way of help in this case.

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