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[SOLVED]Products on sale on homepage

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Good night,

I am setting up my store with prestashop v

I want to make a block with products on sale in the home page, below the featured products?

Know if there is a free module for this change? If no way do through code and how to do it?

Thank you!

shop: www.shopsensual.net

Edited by paulormf (see edit history)
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i don't know any module for that, but you can try to move specials block to the "home" hook. I think that after little modification it will work exactly the same as homefeatured works :)


I tried to make the change through the backend but it was not possible ..
returns the message "this block can not be moved."
I'm looking in the code to make changes to the hook ($ params) but can not find :/
Thanks for the tip and help!
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open blockspecials.php file and right before the last bracket "}"


add this code:


public function hookHome($params)
return $this->hookRightColumn($params);




you are the best, amazing!!
worked perfectly!
THANK YOU, one more time!
People like you make the difference!
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I have preety much the same problem (PS

I hooked module to displayHome, but now I can see only one, random product (on backoffice it's configured to display 5 of them). Is there any easy way to show for example 6 products (3x2)? Here is a .tpl code I guess needs to be modified:

<div class="block_content products-block">
    {if $special}
            <li class="clearfix">
            	<a class="products-block-image" href="{$special.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
                    class="replace-2x img-responsive" 
                    src="{$link->getImageLink($special.link_rewrite, $special.id_image, 'small_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" 
                    title="{$special.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" />
                <div class="product-content">
                        <a class="product-name" href="{$special.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$special.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
                    {if isset($special.description_short) && $special.description_short}
                    	<p class="product-description">
                    <div class="price-box">
                    	{if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}
                        	<span class="price special-price">
                                {if !$priceDisplay}
                                    {displayWtPrice p=$special.price}{else}{displayWtPrice p=$special.price_tax_exc}
                             {if $special.specific_prices}
                                {assign var='specific_prices' value=$special.specific_prices}
                                {if $specific_prices.reduction_type == 'percentage' && ($specific_prices.from == $specific_prices.to OR ($smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' <= $specific_prices.to && $smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >= $specific_prices.from))}
                                    <span class="price-percent-reduction">-{$specific_prices.reduction*100|floatval}%</span>
                             <span class="old-price">
                                {if !$priceDisplay}
                                    {displayWtPrice p=$special.price_without_reduction}{else}{displayWtPrice p=$priceWithoutReduction_tax_excl}

Thanks for any help ;)


Here is what it looks like right now: link

Edited by Szkudi (see edit history)
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