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Check out with out registering!

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I do not believe so.

That said, you could probably short circuit the account creation step a bit so that instead of prompting for an email address or account login first it just takes you directly into the new account creation stage which would get rid of one screen at least.

Another option though this might lead to a messy order setup would be to create a single generic user with blank fields and automatically log it in so you can skip over the account portion of the process. You would also need to disable any account access type functions so that folks could not gain access to others' order details and such.


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Yes there are a few members on the forum who have customised their checkout process for buying without having to register, the two most promising new checkout processes are:
http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/25436/P45/#123833 soon to be completed by IonConnon
http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/13015/P75/general_discussion/single_page_checkout just completed by Riho

Both options look very good

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