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700 categories, too slow to modify them on backoffice

Rúben Martins

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Hi to all the members.


I have a problem with the categories in the back-office, any change i make in any category takes a long time to execute for about 50 seconds or more. In the rest of the administration works fine.


I already try to install a new prestashop version and import my list of categories and takes about the same tame as the original shop to save any change to a category. 

The server is dedicated, already clean the cache and all that stuff.


Any of u had the same problem? or what can i do to resolve this, because i leave the images of the categories to the end of the configuration of the shop and now a take a very long time to save images. But whit the categories doesn't have images takes the same time to save and changes like just disable the category or change the name etc...



Tank u in advance.

Ruben Martins

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  On 9/6/2013 at 3:32 PM, RubenMartins said:

Hi to all the members.


I have a problem with the categories in the back-office, any change i make in any category takes a long time to execute for about 50 seconds or more. In the rest of the administration works fine.


I already try to install a new prestashop version and import my list of categories and takes about the same tame as the original shop to save any change to a category. 

The server is dedicated, already clean the cache and all that stuff.


Any of u had the same problem? or what can i do to resolve this, because i leave the images of the categories to the end of the configuration of the shop and now a take a very long time to save images. But whit the categories doesn't have images takes the same time to save and changes like just disable the category or change the name etc...



Tank u in advance.

Ruben Martins

Any suggestions?

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Hi Ruben

I’m not sure of this answer, absolutely testing it first, and please tell me if it changes the speed.

Follow these steps:


On a test version with all your 700 categories, find class Category (/classes/Category.php), and locate the function “public function update(…)”. It should be around line nr 185.


At the very beginning of the function, just before if($this->id_parent == … add this line:


$this->doNotRegenerateNTree = true;


Save, and then try again to update an image of a category.

Tell me if it became faster or not. If not, remove it and forget about it, but if it worked, I will explain further.

Please absolutely not use it like this on a production site. It should be done via an override, and it has some important limitations.

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  On 9/6/2013 at 9:43 PM, stottycabanas said:

Ruben, I'm guessing that you did, but just to be 100% clear - did you clear the Smarty cache?


Hi to all.


First of all tank u both of 3 to answer me, I will try to do the suggestions but maybe just tomorrow morning i will answer u guys.




And i know stottycabanas, in this situations this questions needs to be done to clear any dubs but yes i already try to clear Smarty cache and had no effect. But tanks for asking.

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Hi Benjamin, i clear manually that folders and the result is the same unfortunately :/

  On 9/6/2013 at 9:45 PM, Benjamin Utterback said:


To manually cache clear you need to delete the content of the following folders:
Delete all the files in the folders, except of index.php.





Hi pzi, i try to do that but that has no result :/ but thanks any way.


just for curiosity, that is to do not regenerate the tree of the categories right? because as many categories and sub categories inside the categories, makes sens in theory.

  On 9/6/2013 at 9:06 PM, pzi said:

Hi Ruben

I’m not sure of this answer, absolutely testing it first, and please tell me if it changes the speed.

Follow these steps:


On a test version with all your 700 categories, find class Category (/classes/Category.php), and locate the function “public function update(…)”. It should be around line nr 185.


At the very beginning of the function, just before if($this->id_parent == … add this line:


$this->doNotRegenerateNTree = true;


Save, and then try again to update an image of a category.

Tell me if it became faster or not. If not, remove it and forget about it, but if it worked, I will explain further.

Please absolutely not use it like this on a production site. It should be done via an override, and it has some important limitations.

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The stranger in this is that i also have around 6000 products in the same system for tests and that as no influence in the changes of any product and i can see one product has must more content to save at any change. And the categories is for about 700 and takes too long to do any change or add a new one.


Any cache or some like that i think is not related because i already try the same 700 categories in a new and clean installation of the prestashop and takes about the same time too change anything. I tried also too just import 150 categories for test in the same clean installation of prestashop and that starts too save slower than just with 20/30 categories, so i take the conclusion that is the amount of categories inserted in the system that makes that too long to do some changes.


The strangest is that just happen in the categories all the rest work fine.

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Hi Ruben,

That's exactly as you said. I supposed that it was this generation of the category tree that takes so long. The nested set is faster for reading, but slower for updating. But unfortunately, it comes out to be wrong.


For the moment, I have no other idea to try for this.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/24/2013 at 8:58 AM, Game5ive.com said:

Backoffice Very slow after Upgrade from to


Since 2 weeks i have


But now when i make new product or edit a product and click on save or save and stay or clone product it loads over 35 secounds it dont know why i have tryed debug mode - i taked a look in the logs and so on .


In it loads at saving prducts only 5 - 8 Sec.


My Server



4 Cores 3GHZ


1000 Mbit


Products: 2480

Categories: 30


Know someone of you what the error is ? What i can try to fix this



We have the same problem with products when save products it take 50 sec !


We have 2600 Products.

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