mma87 Posted September 5, 2013 Share Posted September 5, 2013 (edited) Hi to all, I'm tring to insert this tooltip in my website. As you can see there is an example in this page: . It pass the mouse over on the products' images. I'm using prestashop 1.4.7 and I edit the file product-list.tpl under /themes/MyTheme/ and this is the code: <a href="{$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="product_img_link" title="{$|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" onmouseover="Tip('<div width="245px"> <p><img style="float: left; margin: 5px;" src=" {$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'medium')}" width="100" height="100" style=" background-color:#e5e5e5" /> {$product.description_short|truncate:250:'...':true|strip_tags: 'UTF-8'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} <br><br> </p> <p align="right" style="width:244px"> <b>Prezzo: {convertPrice price=$product.price}</b> </p></div>', SHADOW, true, TITLE, '{$}', TITLEBGCOLOR, '#FE0000', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BORDERCOLOR, '#414340', WIDTH, 250) " onmouseout="UnTip()"><img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home')}" alt="{$product.legend|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if isset($homeSize)} width="{$homeSize.width}" height="{$homeSize.height}"{/if}/> </a> As you can see, in some products the tooltip are visible, in the other not. Can someone help me to show the tooltip on each products? Thanks and Regards, Matteo Edited September 5, 2013 by mma87 (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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