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Set shipping cost based on states

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I am looking for a way to change the shipping fee, to adjust the cost by states of my country

I tried to follow this tutorial, but it gives me an internal error, (parse error for the bold text)


So can anyone help me ? how to correct it or any other way to do?


I tried to pass by fee by zone, but 1 country can't belong to many zones, so it doesn't help


Thank you



1) Copy "classes/Address.php" to "override/classes/Address.php". 2) In line 28 change class name from AddressCore to Address 3) Before function getZoneById, paste this new function

* Return postcode of address
* @param $id_address Address id
* @return integer postcode
public static function getPostcodeByAddress($id_address){
$row = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
SELECT `postcode`
FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'address a
WHERE a.`id_address` = '.(int)($id_address));
return $row['postcode'];

4) Add before first line of function getZoneById this:


if(in_array($postcode,array(your list of postcodes)){
return id-of-your-zone;


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