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How can I get my website to appear online?


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try this, back office-->preferences-->seo & urls


scroll down where you see 'base uri', I am going to assume this is currently bank


enter /prestashop/


and you should be good to go.


Note: you should also have access to your db using phpmnyadmin just in case you loose your shop and get desperate, you can find your shops table (yourprefix_shop_url, there you will see the base uri and can modify it back to whatever you had it set as.

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in "Base URI" I had /prestashop/, so I deleted it and pressed save. Then it looked like http://tiandecy.com/prestashop/ and I returned /prestashop/ but still it looks like http://tiandecy.com/prestashop/.


Any idea how to restore it all?


I recommended that you enter /prestashop/ here, not delete it...jajajaja


if you have access to back office, put it back


if you do not, use the phpmyadmin method that I gave you in my first post

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