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Fixing ssl - i.e. Page contains secure and nonsecure warning

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Hi Does anyone know how to remove the "http://www .yourwebsite.com/" from <base href="www .yourwebsite.com/" /> so that you are left with <base href="/" />

Have done a few tests in i.e. and it seems that many people like myself are getting a message when using an ssl cert for i.e. that informs customers that the page uses secure and non secure information.
Have built a static page with the same code and removed that web address and all seemed to work fine, but don't know which file to adjust in Prestashop to make the change universal, hoping someone can help.

Also would anyone have an idea how to direct certain pages to https:// like the login and checkout, which files you need to adjust.

Many thanks


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Many thanks CYTechnologies

I have enabled the option and it seems to sort out the login and basket for ssl, but still get the same error in i.e. for the content managed pages and on the ssl pages. It also takes you to https:// www. yoursite.com/index.php when you go back to the home page.


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