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Display different price for the same product

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Good Day,


I'm from Malaysia. In Malaysia we have West Malaysia (WM) and East Malaysia (EM). The same product but different price for WM and EM because of geographical/ different location.

Example as below.


Product A for WM is 10 MYR

Product A for EM is 15 MYR


The question is how can i display a different price for the same product? At the end the system will calculate the price based on the delivery address selected by the customer. Also i attached picture for your convenience. TQ



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PrestaShop localizes at the country level.


So rather than having one country, Malaysia

add one country say (WM) Malaysia

and change Malaysia to (EM) Malaysia

or however you want them to be presented on your site

Then add a specific price by country for WM Malaysia(see product/prices)


Now the problem is, the price shown for non-logged will be the default countries price, I assume Malaysia. This may turn off customers if they see a lower price until they log in and then see the higher price.


About the only way to avert this, since geo localization does not know wm from em, is to hide prices until the customer registers. I do have a module for that, see my signature, 'registered only'.



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PrestaShop localizes at the country level.

So rather than having one country, Malaysia

add one country say (WM) Malaysia

and change Malaysia to (EM) Malaysia

or however you want them to be presented on your site

Then add a specific price by country for WM Malaysia(see product/prices)


Thanks for the explanation. But i noticed that the price showing at shopping cart summary is different with product info. This is really make me headache. 





the correct price is shown at shopping cart summary. see pictures. i'm stuck for few days because of this. Pls help.






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