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[SOLVED]Strange problem with background PS 1.5.5

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Hello everyone, I have to change the default theme for a friend, on prestashop updated to version 1.5.5.


the problem is this:


when I insert a background image I've always used without problem in this body versona the line 53:


background-color: # FFFFFF;

background-image: url (miosito/themes/default/img/image.png);

background-position: 46% 0;


now use the same system but I do not see the background image, checking with firebug I noticed this:




background-position:initial initial;

background-repeat:initial initial;


where am I wrong? or are fused to notice a mistake?


thanks for your help


Site Test http://iotoscana.tk/

Edited by lui1969 (see edit history)
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I global.css in the line 53 I've always used as above


what I do not understand is why I have this


my global.css


body {

font: normal 11px/14px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

color: # 222;

background: # fff url (hpp / / iotoscana.tk / themse / defaul / img / crissXcross.png);




while if I look with firebug known more


this do not understand what is wrong?

Edited by lui1969 (see edit history)
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