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Master product and child product

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Dear Friends,


I am work with products that have one "master" product that have their stock, and others product that are their child, but is the same master product with other name, and no have stock.


When a client order the child, the stock are decrease from the master product stock.


A example is unissex t-shirt, i have an boy t-shirt, that have the stock, and is the master. The child are the girl t-shirt, that no have stock.


Some have a idea to solve this situation, or know a module to this situation?



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There are two options:


1- Either you have to trell the customers that they should also get the stock form the masters too + the child like 50% master from the stck that they need or plaining to buy from you... i.e imposes them on the customers in case this produscts is in demanding


2- Or you can raise the price of the child product and make it more than the master then you will already make more profits ....


I hope that I helped you,


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