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Checkout Process - Paypal

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I have a store which is based on Prestashop and have noticed lots of carts being left unprocessed. Yesterday I got a call from someone who couldn't work out how to do it so I think I need to make things clearer.


At the moment I use Paypal as my checkout solution whether they use a card or if they use a Paypal account. If people try and use the guest checkout they fill it all in then nothing happens and I can't find a way to guide people to the Paypal checkout even if they want to pay by card,


Does anyone have any ideas how I can make this simpler without having to invest in another merchant solution?

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Good afternoon,

I dont know if it is the same problem but I installed today new release PS 1.5.5 on my already online shop www.africouleur.com and none of my trial payments are working to the end with lattest Paypal module 3.5.8.

Formerly for PS1.5.4.1 I encountered the same problem but solved it by regressing to prior version of Paypal module.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Error is :

  1. PayPal response:
  2. TIMESTAMP -> 2013-08-29T14:41:44Z
  3. L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10486
  4. L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> This transaction couldn't be completed.
  5. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> This transaction couldn't be completed. Please redirect your customer to PayPal.
  6. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error

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OK : about my own problem (error 10486) the reason was that I was trying to pay too small amounts (0.01€).

Also it was working for previous tests, this doesnt seem to be allowed by my bank (and not by Paypal which accepts paiements from 0-8000€).

Best regards.

Edited by Zitoun (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all, this is just to let you know that the PayPal Module is updated to 3.6. You can download it here http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/1748-paypal.html


Make sure to always have a backup of your files before you update modules. Do not hesitate to leave feedback about the module and if you have any issues, we can work together to solve them. 


If you are in the USA, Canada or Mexico, you can use this PayPal module here. http://addons.prestashop.com/en/payments-gateways-prestashop-modules/8277-paypalusa.html





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