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change logo & add image to block payment module

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I'm trying to do two things...

1) Change the logo on my site, heres the code in header.tpl

   <a id="header_logo" href="{$base_dir}" title="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
 <img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" alt="{$shop_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if $logo_image_width}width="{$logo_image_width}"{/if} {if $logo_image_height}height="{$logo_image_height}" {/if} />

So how do I change it?

2) Im trying to add a ssl image to the "Block Payment Logo" module...

How does that happen?

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1) what you exactly want to change? upload new logo? or what? if you want to upload new logo go to preferences > themes in your back office. If you want something else - please explain what exactly


2) blockpayment logo instead of full url uses relative path with {$img_dir} variable, it mean that if you browse website with ssl certificate the url to payment logo will be also with ssl

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ok, changed the logo to a png.


Im pretty bad at explaining things so bear with me on this, I have an image of a SSL certificate (http://www.swedishsw...certificate.jpg)

I want to place it where the grey arrow is pointing (attachment)

which I guess is in the "Block Payment Logo" module. How Do I add the image into the module?





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ulpoad image to your server.

then open blockpaymentlogo.tpl file (located in module directory or in themes/your_theme/modules/blockpaymentlogo)

and add there own line:

<img src="{$img_dir}name_of_your_image.jpg" alt="SECURED SSL"  />

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Ya... Thats what I thought too.

But the background image on the home page is,


but the background on each products page is,



Whats the best way to change that image?

(I guess I can just change the image, but I want to do this the right way...)

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