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Adjusting Two Items on New Template

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I am new to ps and have just went live with our store. But there are 2 problems that I just can't figure out. Using PS v.


As you can see in the attached photos, the white/gray, curved graphic at the top of the page is not in the right place compared to the template example. post-667894-0-37621700-1377711065_thumb.jpg post-667894-0-68477400-1377711099_thumb.jpg

With the help of several of the previous posts, I was able to change it slightly and move some of the other items around, but can't go any further. I've edited the grid_prestashop.css, global.css and superfish-modified.css.


Second thing that I can't figure out is that near the bottom of the page there is a large gap where the center block doesn't connect to the reassurance block and the footer. post-667894-0-18503600-1377711123_thumb.jpg


Any help with this will be greatly appreciated!

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For some reason your <div class="sf-contener clearfix"> is contained within the header_right div. It needs to be moved outside of this div. The width for header_right is only 700px and it is float: right.


Move sf-contener outside of this div but leave it within header_container and that will solve your problem.


Marty Shue

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you will need to modify the module .tpl file, you will have to close header_right before <div class="sf-contener clearfix">

and it will be also necessary to remove closing </div> tag from header.tpl file.

Worked on this more this week, but I still need help with this.  

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