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[SOLVED] Default theme unavailable

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I have my default theme back!! Contacted my host and asked them to restore my account but I asked them to just do the last daily one, which didn't work. Restored my themes folder myself to last Friday and it has worked.


I will work a lot more carefully now, back up regularly and use the forums.


Thanks Pascal!

Edited by RustyWolf (see edit history)
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Hi Rusty,

How exactly did you change the header image. Using FTP or just in the Back Office (Preferences->Themes)?

Did you check the /themes folder (in your shop folder) already (on your host, using FTP or cPanel->File manager)

is there a folder called 'default' (all small letters) in there?


If you have this folder, can you make a screenshot of the contents of this folder and post it here?



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Hi Pascal,


I was playing around with the header image in Back Office (Preferences>Themes).

I have checked the themes folder which says it was last modified yesterday at 8.50 pm (UK time) which was the time I was working on it. The only folders are debug.tpl, index.php and live_edit.tpl.



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Hi Rusty,

The three names are files (not folders), which should be in the /themes folder. That sounds correct.


but don't you have any folder named 'default' here??


If indeed not, we have a problem. Do you have a recent backup of your files? Somehow the theme then disappeared. I never heard anything about disappearing theme folders, especially not by just using Back office...

Does anyone else have access to the files/FTP access/Host access??


In worst case, you can ask your host if they can restore the folder from their backup. (I hope, they have that service...)


Please look very carefully in the shop root, or all subfolders if the folder 'default' has been misplaced/moved or so.


Very strange problem...



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Pascal / Vekia,


PS version is


I have found in the public_html folder psadmin which includes themes and then I found default which breaks down further into css, img, and template folders. Each folder then has more folders / files. Excuse my lack of terminology, I will have to remind myself of the right terms! So I still have the default theme I just need to restore it?

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Rusty, do you know how to zip the default folder? If so,please zip this with all it's subfolders and files and attach here (use 'more reply options' buttons, then you can attach files)

Probably something wrong with the index.php file or so, but easiest to check if we can have a look at the contents of default.


If you have no idea how to do this, I can have a look at your host, but then I need your login/password and host URL of your host. (DON'T post it here, send by Email: [email protected]). So if you trust me with this info, that's another option.



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Hi /Rusty,


I had a look at the files/folders. It indeed seems that the whole folder 'default' is gone from the path /themes/



I see when you try to reach your shop URL (front office), the message says:

under construction or off line.

"If this is your domain, please contact us urgently for more information"


Did you already try to contact them, to see and find out if maybe anything happened on their side?


I've really never heard of disappearing theme folders yet, other than human error. As you mentioned you didn't go anywhere close to the folders/file manager yourself, I would like you to contact your host and see if they have anything to say about this. Ask them if they physically moved your domain to another server or so.


To 'solve' the problem, I am afraid there is no other way than to ask your host if they have a recent backup and return the site to a working state this way.


Then, if your host has no clear idea what happened here (i.e. no known errors on their side), make a backup yourself and see if you can follow the same steps as you did the last time, to see if you can re-create the problem.


Sorry of not be of more useful help in this, I'm flabbergasted....


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I see that you have it solved by restoring a backup. Good!


Always good practise to make backups! :-)


Happy selling,




N.B. Please next time just add comment/solutions at the end of the other topics, don't edit the original question. It's a little confusing now, as people cannot see what went wrong in the first place. Thanks!

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