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Uploaded Category Images not Showing in FO

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Not sure what is going on. I have uploaded several logos/images in the category section. I can see them on the BO under each category but, when I look at that category in the FO I get the big "?" I checked under Preferences > Images to make sure that "category_default settings were correct. Then I regenerated the thumbnails for categories. But the images still do not show up. They are JPGs. I attached an image of the big "?"


Here is the shop: shop.lilangelpetboutique.com


Any advice will be most appreciated.



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  • 4 weeks later...

In the Back Office go to Preferences > Images

Scroll down to the bottom to "Regenerate Thumbnails"

For Select an Image choose- Categories

For Select a Format choose- "home" or "home_default" (should have an image size of 124 x 124)

Then click " Regenerate Thumbnails"


And then it worked.

I hope that helps!


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seems to work on your site. How did you fix it? I have the same :(




your issue may be related to .htaccess file, to wrong picture names defined in preferences > images (i don't know what theme you use) or just to problem mentioned above by jojopais

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello Vekia, i'm having a problem with the image's categories.

When I create a category, everything is good.

But when I update a new image in an existent category, it just put the last image.

I've clear the cache, but nothing.

Any idea?


I've had same issue, but it appeared to be some other option, that is not in use in current PS version.

I've tried to upload images in category 'Thumbnails' option, but should to in 'Category image'. I've spent few hours digging in code and forum before understood, that it was wrong field to upload category image.

I feel dumb and tired :wacko:

Edited by fortuner (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

In the Back Office go to Preferences > Images

Scroll down to the bottom to "Regenerate Thumbnails"

For Select an Image choose- Categories

For Select a Format choose- "home" or "home_default" (should have an image size of 124 x 124)

Then click " Regenerate Thumbnails"


And then it worked.

I hope that helps!



i tried this but all my images vanished and i had to restore my whole site to the prev day. what did i do wrong?

all my categories images are manually uploaded and its only the odd one or two that wont show on the front end. all the others are updating fine to any changes i may make

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having issues with this also.


The category image can be seen in BO, but doesnt show in the FO.  Done all the obvious regen thumbs etc.  Any other ideas to try and fix ?


Using 1.6.1 version


I'm having the same issue with   

I put the wrong image on a sub-category, set a new image, and the orignal image was still being shown. I deleted the cache, etc., and it still showed the old one. So I deleted the new image (category then without image), and that correctly showed no image. Then I added the new image, and still get "no image" in the FO.


I then tried regenerating thumbs, but no good. 


Will try to debug this tomorrow. What a pain in the butt!




Before debugging, I downloaded the img folder from the server, and updated my local DB. It worked locally. I then checked my live site, and without changing anything, it was working!

I SUSPECT MySQL caching... if I run into the problem again, will try to confirm.


Ed Eichman

Cambrils, Spain

Edited by EdEichman (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...

I having the same issue when i add a image to a category in the back office i can see the category image but when i go to the front the image dose not show it says no image available I have tried all of the thumbnail registration methods and none have worked for me here is the link to my store so you can see the problem I am using the latest version of prestashop please can some one help me get this fixed so that i can finish uploading my category images http://shoppersr.com/index.php?id_category=43&controller=category

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Hi Jonathench,


Honestly, I have no idea what the problem is. I haven't seen the problem again since Sept, but my guess was that it was related to the MySQL cache, so you may want to flush the MySQL cache, or simply restart MySQL.


What version of PrestaShop are you using? I always update when new versions are out, and have not seen the problem in half a year, so it may be a problem with your version.


Of course, the best thing you can do is trace the code to see EXACTLY what is going wrong.


Good luck,


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  • 7 months later...

Hi all,


I am having a similar issue [PS] ( shishabongclub.de/shop/ ), however I have one category where the image is not updating and I get the default image that there is no image.

All my other categories work with no hassle what so ever.

Regenerating the images, flushing the MySQL Cache and all does not seem to work at all.

Attached you can find what I am talking about:


This is where it seems not to work


Here it works



And here is the BO showing that it has an image:


I would really appreciate it if someone could hint me into the right direction!

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all,


I am having a similar issue [PS] ( shishabongclub.de/shop/ ), however I have one category where the image is not updating and I get the default image that there is no image.

All my other categories work with no hassle what so ever.

Regenerating the images, flushing the MySQL Cache and all does not seem to work at all.

Attached you can find what I am talking about:


This is where it seems not to work



Here it works



And here is the BO showing that it has an image:



I would really appreciate it if someone could hint me into the right direction!



Did you fixed it?

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  • 1 year later...

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