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My Vouchers

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Good morning


I believe vouchers only show if you have cart rules set-up in the back office, so, you will need to remove these. If this does not work you will have to remove it from the database.


Hope this helps



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As Paulito said, the link should not be displayed if you remove all cart rules (vouchers)


If it still does, you can try hard removing it from blockmyaccount.tpl, blockmyaccountfooter.tpl or my-account.tpl (this is to be found in the theme folder)


{if $voucherAllowed}

<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('discount', true)}" title="{l s='Vouchers'}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/voucher.gif" alt="{l s='Vouchers'}" class="icon" /> {l s='My vouchers'}</a></li>


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It is 'My Vouchers' link in Customer account. The problem is I use Cart Rules for a set of discounts that I have set up. It is my intention to use these discounts for customers for various reasons, but I am not going to issue individual vouchers. They will be permanent discounts or discounts until the end of a period. I am not using these discounts so they can use them as a one off discount. I believe I should have used Catalogue price rules for this but we couldn't make this work. I just don;t want 'My Vouchers' showing on the bottom line.

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yea, that's right. If you want to remove link only, just follow Nemo1 suggestions.


before you will start editing your .tpl files, run force compilation mode (adv. preferences >performance) and turn cache off.

It's not necessary, but it's a good practice. After all, turn off force compile

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