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paid modules - change of domain name

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Hello Prestashop team,


During last quarter of 2012, i bought the following prestashop partner certified modules for my domain rightdeal.com. However, as rightdeal.com is used for a coupons deal engine software, i am now rolling out prestashop and paid modules on rightdeal.in (country level domain).


I think while purchasing the modules i did mention rightdeal.com. So this email is to re-confirm my understanding that i can use the below listed modules for the finalised domain rightdeal.in (instead of rightdeal.com). I am assuming this is allowed without any issue. I also wrote to the module owners directly but no response has come.


Modules purchased:

- ixtheme SHIBUI v8.0

- Login Block + Facebook and Google Connect

- Advanced Top Menu


I am writing this here as i am not sure if this issue needs to be addressed thru Prestashop support team. Thanks in advance for your support.




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