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Images and links randomly breaking

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the images and link on many of the CMS pages just randomly broke. It didn't affect all images only some. I can't seem to find a common denominator as to why some of them are now broken and others are not. This is happening on many pages, here is one page for example: https://drsdesigns.com/index.php?id_cms=32&controller=cms&id_lang=1&adtoken=1605c88fec94b53851be7de9d0bf504e&ad=backend&id_employee=1


Has anyone heard or seen anything like this happen before?

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all of broken images have got escaped space sign (%20)


can you try to remove the spaces from file names? (both in the filename in cms directory, and in the cms page)

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Removing the spaces in the filename and CMS didn't work. It seems that Prestashop randomly removed the "0" at the end of some of the filenames. For example http://drsdesigns.com/img/cms/pink%20dogwood%20mom%20cardkm.jpg should actually and originally was http://drsdesigns.com/img/cms/pink%20dogwood%20mom%20cardkm0.jpg which still works.

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