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Help New bie making Ajax Submit Module


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I am first time ever making Prestashop Module ..Please help.


Under Module page i am calling content text on tpl file but its not showing anything ...

public function getContent() {
$html .= '<h2>'.$this->l('NewsSubmit').'</h2>
 <form action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">
  <label>'.$this->l('News Form').'</label>
  <div class="margin-form">
	<input type="text" name="tutorial_img" value="'.$tutorial_img.'" />
  <div class="clear center">
	<p> </p>
	<input class="button" type="submit" name="submitTutorial" value="'.$this->l('   Save   ').'" />
 return $html;
public function hookShoppingCart($params)
global $smarty;
  $smarty->assign('mytest', Configuration::get('MOD_TUTORIAL_IMG'));
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'mytemplate.tpl');


And in mytemplate.tpl file i am calling that assign variable {$mytest}


But its showing me blank page instead of showing form.. please help where i am doing wrong..



Edited by naal1 (see edit history)
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Ok fine ... sorry i mean to ask is how can i call $html variable from getcontent and assign to mytemplate.tpl... actually i have lots of question related to Ajax single textbox submit module ....


Please help me.

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ohh soryy i just come to know getContent is for backoffice and i want it for front office but any way i have added form code on tpl file and i can see the form on shoppingcart page..


Basically i am making module of vocher for that i made form text box and submit through ajax. After i submit through ajax i successfully able to send code to thirdparty server and fetch the result and discount amt... but now how can i merge discount amount with prestashop shopping cart ? Can you please help or explain me or any kind of guidence ... Please.

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I have nearly solved lots issue while making module .. but now stuck in last part .. nearly need your help..


In module after enter coupon code (not on default voucher i have made new form for user input) , while on submit i am to create cart rules then my question is how can i apply that cart rules with client order just like after adding voucher code it will show discounted amount and less final amount etc.


Please help me here i am stuck and not getting any clue to goahead.


Please do reply me...

Edited by naal1 (see edit history)
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