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[SOLVED] Prestashop 1.5.4 lock down without currency of choice

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I am here again to ask for your help, sorry for my English, so I searched, but I can not find anything about what I want to do, or mistake the search criteria, so excuse me if this topic has already been dealt and I have not been able to find it.


ps I would like to use and remove the curtain of choice from the currency bloc, in order to have the currency euro and dollar on a single line with various symbols.


I hope I was clear enough on what I would do.


sorry again for my bad English.

Edited by lui1969 (see edit history)
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the closure of this topic, with the phrase, "not solved, thanks all the same," is not an offensive gesture toward none of this wonderful forum, and that failing to find a solution, in my opinion is not needed. We are many wonderful people to ask for support as Vekia, Jiten Rash and many others who do not remember the name.


sorry for my bad English.



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thanks friend, my city thanks you very much for your appreciation, and I am very happy that you like it. you're always welcome.


I tried to do the same thing as in the post you reported, but does not work with the currency



beautiful your website in 2 columns

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here is the code for currencies:

<!-- Block currencies module -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$('ul#first-currencies li:not(.selected)').css('opacity', 0.3);
$('ul#first-currencies li:not(.selected)').hover(function(){
 $(this).css('opacity', 1);
}, function(){
 $(this).css('opacity', 0.3);
<div id="currencies_block_top">
<form id="setCurrency" action="{$request_uri}" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="id_currency" id="id_currency" value=""/>
 <input type="hidden" name="SubmitCurrency" value="" />
  {foreach from=$currencies key=k item=f_currency}
   <li {if $cookie->id_currency == $f_currency.id_currency}class="selected"{/if}>
 <a href="javascript:setCurrency({$f_currency.id_currency});" title="{$f_currency.name}">{$f_currency.sign}</a>
<!-- /Block currencies module -->



of course you will have to define own css styles.


let me know if this works or if not too :)

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I'm very sorry, always disturbing, I'm not a professional programmer, I try to learn from you and from http://www.w3schools.com/ but so many things I can not do this for cheido to you.


sorry if I'm always here to disturb


just add this? in css


# currencies_block_top li {display: inline-block;}


I also noticed that if I choose not change dollar euro as their currency remains on the site if you want to try this is the link (so tell me if you like) http://www.iopistoia.wesped.es/index.php

Edited by lui1969 (see edit history)
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