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TAG's and brands with faceted navigation


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Hello everybody,

I just started a new project with faceted navigation and I found this feature very exciting and useful.

I use it from main menu (product selection) to give this navigation some added multidimensional deep dimension.

I wonder why it's not possible to use it also with brands, even with TAG's. Attributes are related with products, but products belong to brand and may content TAG's also.

I'm not referring to use the manufacturer filter dimension.

I mean to select a manufacturer, and be able to select additional filters (for instance ADIDAS-->shoes-->yellow from 100$ to 250$).

Same feature should be useful too for TAGS (for instance basket-->t-shirts-->women in stock).

What I like to know is some hint to adapt this if someone had the same idea prior than me.

Thanks in advance for your quick answer,


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