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[THEME] Another theme i created - Need comments

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Another great piece of work.

I like what you did to the currency selector.
Are you willing to share that code?

it's actually easy to modify the modules (if you understand basic html, a bit of javascript and PHP :) )

anyway, this the the edited version of blockcurrencies.tpl

<!-- Block currencies module -->

   <form id="setCurrency" action="{$request_uri}" method="post">
       {l s='Currencies' mod='blockcurrencies'}

           {foreach from=$currencies key=k item=f_currency}

       <input type="hidden" name="id_currency" id="id_currency" value=""/>
       <input type="hidden" name="SubmitCurrency" value="" />

<!-- /Block currencies module -->

Thanks for the comments guys! :)

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Another great piece of work.

I like what you did to the currency selector.
Are you willing to share that code?

it's actually easy to modify the modules (if you understand basic html, a bit of javascript and PHP :) )

anyway, this the the edited version of blockcurrencies.tpl

<!-- Block currencies module -->

   <form id="setCurrency" action="{$request_uri}" method="post">
       {l s='Currencies' mod='blockcurrencies'}

           {foreach from=$currencies key=k item=f_currency}

       <input type="hidden" name="id_currency" id="id_currency" value=""/>
       <input type="hidden" name="SubmitCurrency" value="" />

<!-- /Block currencies module -->

Thanks for the comments guys! :)

Thanks for the share!

Any change you can do the same with the language selector? :cheese:
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What got removed?

<!-- Block currencies module -->

mmmm.... don't know why [remove][/remove] is there.

it should have this:
< script type="text/javascript" src="{$module_dir}blockcurrencies.js"></ script>

make sure you remove the space after the < and
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