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[SOLVED] Home text editor making my website crash

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I tried reuploading the home text editor module to my homepage, but it made my homepage crash.. I now unactivated the module and my site is working fine, but i need the text on my homepage's frontpage. How can i make the module work again so it's not making my website crash?



My website: olivereggertsen.dk

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it's hard to say what's going on especially because module is disabled ;)




btw. you can use free modules like:

  1. html block free
  2. contentbox

these modules works the same as home text editor.



Thanks for the quick answer. When i enable the module, it says that the error appears on line 284 in editorial.php.


On that line it says if (!$this->isCached('editorial.tpl', $this->getCacheId()))


What is wrong on that line?

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