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slow loading time for prestashop... :(

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hi all, here is my link


the loading time i have tested is around 10 sec....


is there anyway i can improve it?


here is my setting

prefs.gif Smarty Template cache

Never recompile template files

Recompile templates if the files have been updated

Force compilation Cache


Should be enabled except for debugging. Debug console

Do not open console

Open console with URL parameter (SMARTY_DEBUG)

Always open console

tab-plugins.gif Optional features

Some features can be disabled in order to improve performance. Combinations

This feature cannot be disabled because it is currently in use. enabled.gifdisabled.gif

These features will be disabled

  • Combinations tab on product page
  • Value
  • Attribute

Features enabled.gifdisabled.gif

These features will be disabled

  • Features tab on product page
  • Feature
  • Feature value

arrow_in.png CCC (Combine, Compress and Cache)

CCC allows you to reduce the loading time of your page. With these settings you will gain performance without even touching the code of your theme. Make sure, however, that your theme is compatible with PrestaShop 1.4+. Otherwise, CCC will cause problems. Smart cache for CSS

Use CCC for CSS.

Keep CSS as original Smart cache for JavaScript

Use CCC for JavaScript.

Keep JavaScript as original Minify HTML

Minify HTML after "smarty compile" execution.

Keep HTML as original Compress inline JavaScript in HTML

Compress inline JavaScript in HTML after "smarty compile" execution.

Keep inline JavaScript in HTML as original Apache optimization


This will add directives to your .htaccess file, which should improve caching and compression.

subdomain.gif Media servers (use only with CCC)

You must enter another domain, or subdomain, in order to use cookieless static content. Media server #1


Name of the second domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-1.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank. Media server #2


Name of the third domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-2.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank. Media server #3


Name of the fourth domain of your shop, (e.g. myshop-media-server-3.com). If you do not have another domain, leave this field blank.

computer_key.png Ciphering

Mcrypt is faster than our custom BlowFish class, but requires the PHP extension "mcrypt". If you change this configuration, all cookies will be reset. Algorithm

Use Rijndael with mcrypt lib.

Keep the custom BlowFish class.

computer_key.png Caching

Caching systems are used to speed up your store by caching data into the server's memory, avoiding the exhausting task of querying the database. Use cache


Enable or disable caching system. Caching system

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currently i am using this setting

not sure would it be good a not?




i have changed the setting from what was stated, as there wasn't any improvement


Recompile templates if the files have been updated - enable

Apache optimization - enable


also i have add these into my .htaccess


<ifmodule mod_mime.c>

<filesmatch "\.html\.gz$">

ForceType text/html

FileETag None


AddEncoding gzip .gz

AddType text/html .gz


<ifmodule mod_deflate.c>

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.gz$ no-gzip


<ifmodule mod_headers.c>

Header set Vary "Accept-Encoding, Cookie"

Header set Cache-Control 'max-age=3600, must-revalidate'


<ifmodule mod_expires.c>

ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType text/html A3600


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Time to first byte is strictly related to the server configuration (and also server specification)

may i know your server parameters? RAM memory, cpu ? where you've got it?


here is the spec

Dell PowerEdge Servers

2 x Quad Core Intel Xeon (64 bit CPUs)

8GB ECC Registered RAM

15,000rpm SAS Harddrives


it is located in Singapore, where most of my customers are.

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this free modules i tell u will kill ur site..nivo slider and clean carousel will make ur site go down..u need to check modules..

if any one dont believe just install nivo slider and check the difference or same with clean carousel


Hi Jiten,

had remove the nivo slider and carousel.


here is the result




the TTFB is 4sec

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this is my header.tpl file for the fonts.


{if isset($theme_settings)}{else}
{$theme_settings.logo_font = ''}
{$theme_settings.heading_font = ''}
{$theme_settings.text_font = ''}
{$theme_settings.back_color = ''}
{$theme_settings.pattern = ''}
{$theme_settings.logo_type = ''}
{$theme_settings.logo_size = ''}
{$theme_settings.logo_text = ''}
{$theme_settings.slogan = ''}
{if isset($theme_settings.logo_font)}
{if $theme_settings.logo_font != "Georgia" && $theme_settings.heading_font != "Arial" && $theme_settings.logo_font != "LMRomanCaps10-Regular" && $theme_settings.logo_font !="ModernNo.20Regular"}
<link id="gFontName" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={/literal}{$theme_settings.logo_font}{literal}">
<style id="gFontStyles" type="text/css">
 a.logo{ font-family:"{/literal}{$theme_settings.logo_font}{literal}" !important; }
{if isset($theme_settings.heading_font)}
{if $theme_settings.heading_font != "Georgia" && $theme_settings.heading_font != "LMRomanCaps10-Regular" && $theme_settings.heading_font != "Arial" && $theme_settings.heading_font !="ModernNo.20Regular"}
<link id="gFontNameHeading" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={/literal}{$theme_settings.heading_font}{literal}">
<style id="gFontStylesHeading" type="text/css">
 #columns h1, #columns h1 a, #columns h2, #columns h2 a, #columns h3, #columns h3 a, #columns h4, #columns h4 a, #columns h5, #columns h5 a, .layered_subtitle { font-family:"{/literal}{$theme_settings.heading_font}{literal}" !important; }
{if isset($theme_settings.text_font)}
{if $theme_settings.text_font != "Georgia" && $theme_settings.heading_font != "Arial" && $theme_settings.text_font != "LMRomanCaps10-Regular" && $theme_settings.text_font !="ModernNo.20Regular"}
<link id="gFontNameText" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family={/literal}{$theme_settings.text_font}{literal}">
<style id="gFontStylesText" type="text/css">
 .product_desc, #idTab1 p, .comment_details p, #newsletter_block_ext .indent p, #mycarousel a.f_title { font-family:"{/literal}{$theme_settings.text_font}{literal}" !important; }

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  • 2 weeks later...

he is using prestashop.


you can check out my site also.

my TTFB is now around 1 sec. :)


I may install cache next time when this really pick up to full stream in the future. but now, I am quite happy with the speed I am getting already. it was like 6 to 10 sec of TTFB and now it is 1 sec to 2.

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he is using prestashop.


you can check out my site also.

my TTFB is now around 1 sec. :)


I may install cache next time when this really pick up to full stream in the future. but now, I am quite happy with the speed I am getting already. it was like 6 to 10 sec of TTFB and now it is 1 sec to 2.



Hello CuteCat, 


Good to hear that your site got faster. I've noticed that too. 


However, what hosting you using? shared or vps. 


And what you have done to speed it up. 


Thank you. 



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these are the only setting I have done


Smart cache for CSS

Use CCC for CSS.

Smart cache for JavaScript

Use CCC for JavaScript.

Minify HTML

Keep HTML as original

Compress inline JavaScript in HTML

Keep inline JavaScript in HTML as original

Apache optimization enabled.gif

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...


I'm battling with slow page loads for a long time.

On my server I have PS 1.4, a wordpress and a phpbb forum but I took the most expensive shared hosting my web host can provide (30 euros/month). I didn't go for VPS or dedicated because I don't know how to manage them and my host doesn't provide support.

I am thinking of migrating to a different host provider and take a VPS or dedicated server but I will have to rely on them to manage it.

Gt metrics: http://gtmetrix.com/reports/pescuitlafeeder.ro/Wia6ncLm (pdf version also attached)

cutecat, I didn't quite understood what you did. Did you disable cache for better performance? It doesn't make sense to me, cache should be active for faster page load.

My settings are:

  • Force compile: NO
  • Cache: YES
  • CCC for CSS: YES
  • CCC for JS: YES
  • Minify HTML: NO
  • Compress in-line JS in HTML: YES
  • High risk HTML compression: NO
  • Rijndael with mcrypt lib: YES
  • Caching: NO (I'm thinking of trying memcached)

The server is in the same country with the visitors (Romania)


Can anybody advise me what to do?





Edited by Marius86 (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 9 months later...

Hi, I am using prestashop 1.5.6 english version, I have deleted 5 files from my httpdocs folded "product.php, productdownload.php, productsale.php, product supplier.php and configuration.php"

After deleting these file my site was not working then i paste these file again on same location. 

But after that my site is working too slow. taking 10+ sec to load. 

please help me to solve the issue. please check my site http://slmobileprice.com




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