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Backup of old version after upgrade

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I tried to upgrade my shop from to and it worked (at least I thought it worked) with 1-click. Only few modules were turned on (like currency or language). I tried to turn them off and then the whole site crashed - everything was a mess, so I tried to turn the modules on again, but it didn't work.


So I replaced the whole shop using FTP(I know, that was stupid) with my last backup (recently made, but with the version...). And the site went down. The problem was missing ps_subdomain - so I added it in PMA and now menu, blocks, categories etc. don't work. You can see the item, the description, even try to buy it, but that's it. And the admin panel doesn't look right - it's between the old and the new version. Also all old modules seem to be on, but for example the stats don't work and it says that graph engine nad grid engine modules aren't installed...


Help Here you can check out my store and see how it looks now: www.wegarnia.pl and a sample item site: http://wegarnia.pl/product.php?id_product=109


Also ma database is a mess: I have 3 versions of everything, like customer, ps_customer and weg_customer (weg_ is my prefix). Would it work if i just clean the database? I don't have an old backup of database, just the one I made after the upgrade problems (after I put backup of version on my ftp).



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If your DB is already upgraded to PS 1.5.4, you will not be able to use it with files for PS 1.4


If you do not have a DB backup, your best option is to use PS 1.5 files, and try to get the site working again, you may want to have a developer help you with that.

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