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[SOLVED]Background color not changed on home page?

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I changed the background color with the global css but somehow the home page remains unchanged while the product pages are ok?


I'm using default template version


I'm a real beginner when it comes to working with code changes, so if anyone can shed some light on my possible errors or reasons for the unchanged home page, I'd appreciate it.




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try hard refresh ctrl+f5 or clear browser cache...

if beginner see this

its in global.css line 53


body {

font: ;

color: ;



u can do this way

background:# hex color;

example black :background:#000;


or image

background:url(img/bg.png) no-repeat transparent;

or image plus color

background:url(img/bg.png) no-repeat #000;

Edited by Jiten rash (see edit history)
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Thank you vekia & jiten rash


I have not changed anything since i posted this topic and yesterday when I checked the site the home page color has changed - after 3 days. I am guessing that the issue was a problem at the server side? but I have no idea if that is correct?


vekia - I checked the cache CCC is enabled at this time so I did not change it now. Can you explain to me why this would make a difference in this case? I don't understand the cache.




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CCC for css comparing all css styles to one (so you've got one minified css file), it mean, that if you change for example global.css - changes will not appear without recompilation because your store will use this one minified file.


while you're workin on your template (design, template files etc.) you should disable CCC, cache and turn force compilation on.

When you're done, put everything back.

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Hi Poly,

As you probably know, caching in general is used to 'speed up things'. In this case CCC 'combines, compresses and then caches' the resulting file to make your website faster. It references this file whenever it needs information from it. It doesn't have to search for the information in the different files, interprets them too much anymore, thus speeding up the site's response time.


The cache file is once a while refreshed, depending on some settings. You can enforce refresh, but in this case, it seems it did it for you.

To temporarily disable caching, you can change the settings in Advanced Parameters->Performance. Only use this when testing new changes. Caching should be enabled in live sites as much as possible to make your site much speedier, pleasing your customers.


I'll mark the topic as solved :-)


My 2 cents,


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