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How to show features instead of short description of the product?

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Hello, can sombody help me to do something like this:

I have many features for each product, i want to enter them to short description, i have about 500 items, and it hard to change by hand. If it possible to change product-list.tpl to enter teatures instead of short description?




maybe somebody have some module or know ho to do when mouse on short description there are showing features?




how to ExPort description, features...etc via Manager SQL?

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this is the code from the product.tpl that displays the features information, you could try to copy that code into the product-list.tpl and restyle it as you need

   {if isset($features) && $features}
       <!-- product's features -->
       <ul id="idTab2" class="bullet">
       {foreach from=$features item=feature}
	    {if isset($feature.value)}
          	 <li><span>{$feature.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span> {$feature.value|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</li>


If the features do not show up, that might be because the category controller does not load the features. In that event, you would have to override the controller to load the product feature information.

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