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Are these Features available?

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A few features that would be very useful to me if they are available.

Date picker at checkout - Customers can choose their delivery date.
Upload file at checkout - Customers can upload a file (image in this case) at checkout.
Text Box at Checkout - Customers can write a special message for the person receiving the item.

Thanks :)

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Date Picker - Not at the moment (at least not that I know of), however a module could be written to include this.
Upload file - You can upload files on product pages.
Text box - There is a special comments box on check out, you could probably change that label to read Special Message. :-)

I'm sure I seen a folder named date picker when I was looking through my shop files. Is there a way I can add any fields to the checkout?

The comments box, I don't think that would appear because I'm using Paypal for my checkout. Is there a way I can put it on the order summary page? Also, this might sound crazy :) but is there a way to only allow someone to buy 1 item maximum?
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So I need to add fields to the summary page, since I am using PayPal for checkout.
I really hope you can do this as it is an almost necessary feature for my site.

Date Picker & Message Field, but I think they need to be on the Summary Page.

If not, I sippose I could just email everyone who ordered - but that's not really practical :(


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