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Help with Paypal

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Hello to all from a desperate!

I use the module with Paypal fee of webhome.es

Until last night it worked with the last order went well, this morning a customer told me that redirect to Paypal payment does not work, the page is loading the redirect without precisely be redirected to Paypal

Tested with Explorer, Chrome Firefoxe and actually does not work!

Someone help?




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Hi Pascal, the server of Paypal works well.

I may have found the cause of the problem, I use the Prestashop module for checking the validity of the VAT number of European customers, in the configuration of this module if I active checking VAT there are the problems with the Paypal link !


This is curious because until two days ago, the store worked well also with the configuration that I have told you, then suddenly had problems and I do not know what to do ... I need this verification of the validity of VAT


Help !! :mellow:





Can there be a problem with the PayPal server?

Did you check today if it's still a problem?


Did you make ANY changes (that can be cause of this?)

When behind my computer tonight, I will try to do a checkout a little.



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I can't reproduce the problem at the moment. I think you turned off the VAT checker, right? (As I cannot enter any VAT number, as far as I know).


I had one other problem when checkig out. I added my personal info, added Netherlands as country, but only got bank wire (At least I think that's what is is, as it was in Italian :[ ) as payment option. Tried to use other European countries (Belgium, Italy, France, germany) but nothing gave me PayPal. I selected Bank Wire, continued to the confirmation page, clicked step 4 . THEN I directly got PayPal as payment option...


Not sure what went wrong here. Just to let you know this 'work around' if any customer ever gets stuck.


To check the problem when adding the VAT number, you need to turn it on. Understand that that is difficult on a live site. Maybe consider to make a test environment on a sub-domain (shoptest.elektros.it or so)


My 2 cents,


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Hi Pascal,

I confirm that at this time I turned off the check the VAT number.

I managed to speak with the developer who helped me build ecommerce site (in Italy this week is the week of annual holidays and is very difficult to find people to work), he told me that tomorrow will install another module Paypal

I'll let you know if the problem will be solved

Anyways ... THANKS !





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