Thanks for the solution, i solved it like this:
1. Create the override file ProductController.php (like @NemoPS mentioned in his tutorial link) containing the code shown below and upload the file to override/controllers/front
<?php class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore { public function setMedia() { parent::setMedia(); if (Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')) $this->addJS(_THEME_JS_DIR_.'products-comparison.js'); } public function initContent() { $this->context->smarty->assign('comparator_max_item', Configuration::get('PS_COMPARATOR_MAX_ITEM')); if (isset($this->context->cookie->id_compare)) $this->context->smarty->assign('compareProducts', CompareProduct::getCompareProducts((int)$this->context->cookie->id_compare)); parent::initContent(); } } ?>
2. In product.tpl add the following code (like @kosm12 mentioned) where you want the "add to compare" button to appear. You can customise the check button using css before and after.
<div class="compare_product_page"> {if isset($comparator_max_item) && $comparator_max_item} <div class="compare"> <a class="add_to_compare" href="#" data-id-product="{$product->id|intval}">{l s='Add to Compare'}</a> </div> {/if} {include file="./product-compare.tpl"} </div> {*Products compare *} {addJsDefL name=min_item}{l s='Please select at least one product' js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDefL name=max_item}{l s='You cannot add more than %d product(s) to the product comparison' sprintf=$comparator_max_item js=1}{/addJsDefL} {addJsDef comparator_max_item=$comparator_max_item} {addJsDef comparedProductsIds=$compared_products}
You can see the results live, here:
PS: I forgot to mention that i use Prestashop
Thank you!