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Problems found in PS1.5

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When fine-tuning the newly installed PS1.5, there are few problems been found and wish to have any suggestion or solution to overcome these.


1. Customer Address creation error.

--> Create a new customer profile and error occurs when trying to save the customer address details. It only shows "Invalid Token". You are welcome to have a test on my site: http://3n.com.my



2. Tracing around few hours but yet can't find a way to remove the "Our Stores" in CMS Module. The "Our Stores" section is not shown in this module setting, but it really appears... :wacko:



3. Translation of "Featured Products"-->"New" is wrong in Chinese Translation. But I can't find this section under "Front Office Translation". Any hints?




Any helps/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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1) can you try to turn off token and then try to register? You can do it under the preferences > General tab in back office:



2) you can turn it off under the preferences > store contacts section in back office, there is an option to disable it:



3) You should use "modules" translation not "front office" translations. If you will use the "modules translations" then you will be able to translate it as you want

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it's really weird that it is still there, in this case try to remove it manually:


open the file /modules/blockcms/blockcms.tpl

and remove this line:

{if $display_stores_footer}<li class="item"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('stores')}" title="{l s='Our stores' mod='blockcms'}">{l s='Our stores' mod='blockcms'}</a></li>{/if}

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