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[solved] cart-block Link to cart!? Please help

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I figured it out!

old code looks like this:


<!-- MODULE Block cart -->
<div id="cart_block">
<!-- Cart heading --><div class="cart-heading"><span class="ajax_cart_quantity">{$cart_qties}</span></div>
<div class="block_content">
	<div class="content-arrow"></div>
<!-- block list of products -->


New code looks like this:


<!-- MODULE Block cart -->
<a href="index.php?controller=order">

<div id="cart_block">

   <!-- Cart heading --><div class="cart-heading"><span class="ajax_cart_quantity">{$cart_qties}</span></div>
   <div class="block_content">
       <div class="content-arrow"></div></a>
   <!-- block list of products -->

Edited by triplei (see edit history)
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I know its a rookie thing, but I am really proud of myself for figuring this out. I just wanted to share..I am surprised more people don't want their cart icon to actually lead to the cart. Especially when you think about your website being used on a tablet or smartphone.

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