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Prestashop setup - practice

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Do we have online demo which allows users to try out and use default theme and practice setting up the module before attempting to do on real web site. I wished I had done that before working on our web site.

I am currently watching video tutorial, I would like to do online test without having to download prestashop onto my computer and make it local host. Our web site is hosted by Godaddy and they do not support prestashop .



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Well, I know that there were always various issues with GoDaddy and Ecommerce software support in general. That said, there are many instances of PrestaShop stores on GoDaddy, although I personally would recommend A2 Hosting or InMotion Hosting.


Are you sure that you are unable to install PrestaShop on GoDaddy?

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Hi Ramanm,

If it just for short 'testruns' to familiarize yourself with the system, you can just have a look at the prestashop demo front and backoffice:



For a first introduction into it, this may work for you. Then afterwards, just do as El parton advises and make a subdomain ramantest.yourdomain.com or so, so you can keep the changes you made. (The demo throws them away after some time I believe, when it 'resets the demo environment)


I myself have some subdomains with each some version of the software, just to check compatibility, to locate errors or problems here in the forum etc. Works well!


I believe Godaddy can run prestashop, but you might have to install it from scratch. Not sure if they have an install script ready available. Installing itself is however a good thing to try, as it shows you some insight into the system :-)

Godaddy installation:

(Google 'prestashop Godaddy installation' to get more forum answers on diverse problems other users encountered)


My 2 cents,


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