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Translation help: how to access to order-carrier controller in front office?


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I'm translating PS in my language, and I need some experts help.


Basically, I'm translating the front office order-carrier controller, but I need to check the context of 2 phrases so the better (I think) is to have a look at the front office page to understand what the translation should be.


My problem is that I'm not finding a way access this. How can I find it? Maybe there is an option in BO that needs to be checked?


Thanks for any feedback.

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An update, the phrases I'm looking for are product concerned and products concerned, and I thought that maybe I needed to activate the multi-shipping option, but I still don't see any of these.


Any help?

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can you show the string that you want to translate? it will be much easier to locate the place, where it appears

Thanks Vekia.

The 2 strings are:

- Product concerned:

- Products concerned:

under order-carrier, and also under order-opc-carrier.


I've looked at the file but I did not understand how and where they should appear.

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