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no catagories available


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im at a complete loss with this, I installed the latest prestashop / ebay module and got a 504 error when configuring the module, have solved this with the host by raising the timeout value for apache however when I press save it displays getting catagories and counts to 30% the goes back to the configure screen.


There are no drop down catagories on the catagories page and simplay says no category selected but when I use the dropdown there is nothing there.


I have been trying to sort this for a week now, everything is the lastest version and have read the forums thoroughly but there is no mention of this.




I moved the site and database from my host (siteground) to another prestashop hosting company and the module worked fine however siteground are not interested in resolving this issue and their comment has been 'if you find out the issue with our servers let us know I we will change' anyone considering hosting may want to steer well clear of this host for prestashop.

Edited by DaveTrinder (see edit history)
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