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E-mail function not working

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Hi, in my website email function totally not working. I want to make my gmail account as a base email but it not working.


In advanced parameters>E-mail I make like that:


mail domain name: www.gmail.com

smtp server: smtp.gmail.com

smtp user: [email protected]

smtp password: *****

Encryption: None

Port: 465


Also I made these instructions:


There are a few reasons why Prestashop cannot send emails from your server, the most common ones are:

  • "From" field doesn't match your domain.

  • Incompatible additional headers.

Below are solutions to both:

In /tools/swift/Swift/Message.php line #79




$this->setFrom("[email protected]");


In /tools/swift/Swift.php after line 370

if (!($has_reply_to = $message->getReplyTo())) $message->setReplyTo($from);

Add the following code:

if (!$has_reply_to[0]) $message->setReplyTo($from->getAddress());


In /tools/swift/Swift/Plugin/MailSend.php line # 159


$params = "";



But unfortunately it is still not working

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