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Using IP as test build, then pointing domain after complete?

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I have seen a few people run into issues with migration of test site to new location for PrestaShop and figure I have a full proof way, please let me know if I am wrong.


Right now I have configured the default shop (or shop-urls) to as an example, http://321.456.789.321/. Once I have completed the build, I will point the new domain to this IP and change on the PrestShop admin->shop-urls from an IP to the new domain name.


This seems to be the easiest, but want to confirm as any potential failure will be a major issue as the site is a very active e-commerce site.


I just noticed though, this changes the shop to the IP, but our back-end (admin) still has the original domain name from when we created the shop. I was hoping to use IP on all so no paths are created for this domain inadvertently. I know some CMS systems have a global_url, so if you change the global you are good. Want to make sure before adding modules and plugins that might not take this into consideration, my IP is set as the default rather than the old domain name if that makes sense.

Edited by acmetcetera (see edit history)
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