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Incorrect totals in AdminOrders with Discount Vouchers!

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I have a BIG issue with Prestashop Tax and Disount Voucher codes. All our prices are displayed to customer excluding tax - tax is added at checkout.


The total amount due sown in the Admin orders tab under Order details in incorrect! It seems thet Prestashop is deducting the percentage discount, plus the tax - and then the tax again! Adding tax twice leads to Prestashop showing a reduced and incorrect amount due to anyone processing orders!


On the PDF Invoice discount and tax are applied correctly!


I need the amounts showing in admin orders to reflect those shown correctly in the PDF invoice.


Where / how can I correct this? What code do I need to edit to correct it? I am using Prestashop v1.4.9


See attached screenshots which illustrate what I mean:


Amount due in Admin orders shows as £23.54 (incorrect!)

Amount due in PDF Invoice shows as £24.30 (Correct!)


I have asked this question before and not received any response from Prestashop - This is not a minor issue! Can someone please respond.







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