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[TESTING ONLY] This is a test version and should NOT be used in production mode. Never upgrade or use a a test version for a live store. [TESTING ONLY]



Hello PrestaShop Community!

The time has come to test! You know how it works already. Any feedback is appreciated. Please do NOT use this for any live store or production store, it's a test version! :o Leave your comments in this thread. We can make sure this release is the best ever!


Download TESTv1.5.5 here. (Look on the right for Download ZIP)


- Faster Installer

-Performance improvements

- New wizard for carriers and shipping configuration

- 94 community pull requests accepted


[TESTING ONLY] This is a test version and should NOT be used in production mode. Never upgrade or use a a test version for a live store. [TESTING ONLY]

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This is a part of my erro.log


[error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyCompilerException' with message 'Syntax Error in template "/home/xxxxx/public/xxxxxx/public/themes/live_edit.tpl" on line 31 "var confirmClose = "{l s='Are you sure?

If you close this window, its position won't be saved' js=1}";" - Unexpected "t", expected one of: "}" , " " , ATTR' in

/home/xxxxxx/public/xxxxx/public/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php:667\nStack trace:\n#0 /home/xxxxxx/public/xxxxxx/public/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(3144):

Smarty_Internal_TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_template_error()\n#1 /home/xxxxxx/public/xxxxx/public/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templateparser.php(3209): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->yy_syntax_error(19, 't')\n#2

/home/xxxxxx/public/xxxxx/public/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_smartytemplatecompiler.php(105): Smarty_Internal_Templateparser->doParse(19, 't')\n#3 /home/xxxxxx/public/offb in

/home/xxxxxx/public/xxxxxx/public/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatecompilerbase.php on line 667, referer:

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What I did was this, Catalog>Category>Add New Category>put it under the Accessories Category>save


When I cleared cache and visited front office, the Sub Category did not appear. It only appear after I configured the Top Horizontal Menu.


Also, could you check to see if the Shipping set up is working well. It's a completely new Setup Wizard for the Carriers and Shipping.


For me, the Apply Shipping Cost to "All" zones did not work. It simply deleted every time I tried to add a price.

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Update: I tested it and came with a few changes that have been committed into the release.


-The Smarty error should be fixed on live edit.


-The top menu now automatically updates as normal


-There are two other shipping wizard "quirks" that have been ironed out.


Please continue to test it with this in mind. Let us know if you find anything that we may have missed. Thank you!


Release updates on GitHub: https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/release

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Strange I noticed that it looks as though you changed the option to display add to cart for products with attributes to no, so I tried that but the right block is still the same.

I can also correct the view by changing the right block width to 140px for some reason the standard 145px also causes this.

What is the width of your right block.


Another issue I have just encountered is that with SSL enabled the cart no longer works, When you hover over the cart the cart does not appear and when trying to add to cart the error below is thrown, disable SSL and all works fine.





Let me tell you what I have done, I had already uploaded the original file you posted (test) before I installed I noticed that you posted a new version on github with some of the bugs fixed so I downloaded that version.

I then uploaded admin, classes, controllers, css, img, js, themes and tools this should have covered all the important files, do you think I missed anything or should I just start over and see if I get the same errors/effects.


ps. also just noticed that if you click on cart the cart summery page will show then the cart hover works but the HTTPS is gray with yellow triangle.

I do not have this issue with a site I just loaded a few days ago.

I do have the same issue with the products list page, right block under image.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Update !


Deleted first install and installed the Github version and here are the issues I have at this time.



SSL, with SSL enabled I can not add items to the cart I get the same error as before.




SSL, with ssl enabled Shipping estimator will not load carriers the loading circle just spins and spins and the state selection box does not load.

This is the error shown by Google chome's console:

No report from Prestashops error reproting.


The page at https://team-shepher...ontroller=order displayed insecure content from http://team-shepherd...d=1376021137196.





4. Live Edit does not function, the page will load but the modules can not be moved.

This is the error shown by Google chome's console:



Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier index.php?live_edit=1&ad=administrator&liveToken=3ce522443bc761d1d46b421d7cc796ee&id_employee=1:657

Uncaught ReferenceError: ad is not defined hookLiveEdit.js:147



in this pic I clicked on the categories block and tried to move it as you can see the mouse turns to a wrong symbol.


ps: upon hitting close on live edit this message was shown:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /hermes/bosweb/web067/b1447/ipg.teamshepherdusa/shop4/controllers/admin/AdminModulesPositionsController.php on line 535 {"hasError" : false, "errors" : ""}


with error reporting off this:

{"hasError" : false, "errors" : ""}

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Hi, I installed the last release from github and the supplier tab inside of a product doesn't show correctly.



And the supplier reference doesn't work in CSV attributes


Live edit doesn't work correctly:


JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 186: ';JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 192: ';




Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/xxxx/public/xxxxx.es/public/controllers/admin/AdminModulesPositionsController.php on line 535

{"hasError" : false, "errors" : ""}

Edited by bluecarbon (see edit history)
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Here are a few other points of interest, In the modules section the following modules are not translated.


Bloc Fabricant = Manufacturer Block

Bloc Panier = Cart Block

Bloc Product deja Vus = Viewed Products

Bloc Publicite = Advertising Block




On the registration page the log in block button says Authentication rather then Log in.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Hey Tod, this is really bugging me out because I am not seeing any of the errors that you have posted, aside from the Module Translations.... I download the github release version again this afternoon from here..https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/tree/release


Installed on a wamp 2.4 localhost.


What I did get was a security token error when I clicked "Order>Order>+Add New" . I don't really understand that one.

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The strange one for me is the product list width, I checked a recent install of I installed just for testing and in that install the same issue.


In the modules the only module that is not translated is the bloc publicite.


As you cab see from the post by bluecarbon he also has the live edit issue, how about you.


Do you have the ability on the wamp to test SSL I always do mine in sub folders of my domain so as to have a live environment.


Also bluecarbon has an issue with supplier tab and mine displays fine.


isn't this what testing is all about :wacko:


Here is my configuration info:


Server information


Server information: Linux #1 SMP Wed Nov 3 01:47:21 EDT 2010 i686

Server software version: Apache/2

PHP version: 5.3.13

Memory limit: 512M

Max execution time: 120

Database information


MySQL version: 5.0.[spam-filter]log

MySQL engine: MyISAM

Tables prefix: ps_

Store information


PrestaShop version:

Shop URL: http://team-shepherdusa.com/shop4/

Current theme in use: default

Mail configuration


Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Your information


Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36

AdminInformation.gif Check your configuration

Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: OK

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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This is what testing is all about. :ph34r:


Live edit did not work for me in the earlier release. The one that I downloaded about 2 PM today did work. I'm trying to enable SSL in wamp but I need to really get into it. I'll see when I can get it on a live domain.


Here is my config.


Server information


Server information: Windows NT build 7601 (Windows 7 Business Edition Service Pack 1) i586

Server software version: Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) PHP/5.4.16

PHP version: 5.4.16

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 30

Database information


MySQL version: 5.6.12-log

MySQL engine: InnoDB

Tables prefix: ps_

Store information


PrestaShop version:

Shop URL: http://localhost/1.5.5dev/

Current theme in use: default

Mail configuration


Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Your information


Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36 AlexaToolbar/alxg-3.1

AdminInformation.gif Check your configuration

Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: OK

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I downloaded the Github version again and before starting over I uploaded all the important folders again.

(rather then deleting and re-installing)


SSL - Fixed :D

The first thing I tested was the SSL and adding to cart, now it works and I get a green HTTPS YA! (estimator loads fine now too)


Live Edit - Working but still a quirk

So now I tested the live edit, this now works as expected, however there was one strange thing I moved a couple of modules and clicked save, a strange looking html type box came up stayed on screen for just a few seconds and disappeared.

I clicked on close live edit and got the changed page with modules in the new positions.


Here is a pic of the box/page.


(looks like fancy box is not loading correctly)

I checked one of the image fancy box (large view) and that was OK.



Create New Order - BO - Fixed/Never Broken - Tester is an idiot LOL :wacko::huh::):D

So then I tested the Add new order but got the same results, while looking at the error I noticed that it said something about modules. So I looked a little closer at the page and noticed that at the very bottom where you select payment options the payment selection field had nothing in it, actually the selection field was only about 2px wide and could not be selected. So I took a look at the payment modules I had none installed, I installed the Pay by check and configured it and the new order creates without issues - So in the end this one was my fault. So here the tip of the day while testing make sure you have a payment modules installed.

(the real tip was it created carts but not orders)

(at some point I uninstalled the pay by check to get rid of the warning message, did not even consider this)

ps. I guess in some ways I have to take back my statement about not my fault during install LOL.



Product List - Google Chrome CSS issue

The Product list page still shows the right block below the image.

So I took a liitle closer look at this one this only happens with Google Chrome, IE displays the page as intended. Would it hurt anyone to reduce one of the blocks by 1px so all browsers display the page correctly.



BO - HTTPS Issue

I mentioned earlier that the HTTPS was not green and had a yellow triangle this was also true for the BO, I pulled up Goggle console and as it turns out the Merchant Expertise is the issue displaying insecure content, I uninstalled the modules and HTTPS it now full.


Here is the error message.

The page at https://team-shepher...011330cccf8653a displayed insecure content from http://gamification....geImg/51/1.png.


The page at https://team-shepher...011330cccf8653a displayed insecure content from http://gamification....geImg/52/0.png.




So right now the only real issue is the live edit modules position saved box and setting the merchant expertise to display secure content.


Oh and did I say I really like the new Shipping wizard setup :)

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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While going through the pages my supplier page all of the sudden changed and was not displayed correctly, same as bluecarbon, I was checking the code and found this code error.


admin/themes/default/css/admin.css @ line 132 - padding:0:



.table{ background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:0: border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}


Should Be:

.table{ background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #ccc;padding:0; border-radius:3px;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}


This has no effect on the page but noticed it was wrong, I refreshed the page and it displayed correct again.


Thought it was worth mentioning.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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Hi Tod, are you testing on the wamp install you showed earlier? If so, can you send me the link of the wamp package that you downloaded.


It had a different version of php in it and I really wondering why you are getting these formatting error when I am not.


I downloaded the same package and placed it on my wamp install and the blocks are displaying fine for me. :wacko:

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I do all my testing on a live domain and not on WAMP, also what browser are you using as I stated in a previous post the product list actually displayed fine in IE but not in Chrome.

I use Chrome as default and really did not give a lot of thought to it being a browser issue until I decided to have a look with IE.

As for the blockbestsellers this issue is with Chrome as in IE it displays fine, the changes I made fixed the chrome issue but laos slightly changed the IE display, not bad but did look better without the chrome changes.

After noticing this I also think the code I posted could use a little more tweaking so that all browser display the same.

And as I said you are more then welcome at any time to do some testing on this install.

As for that I will even let you do an install to see what I am seeing.

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Hi Tod,


I really appreciate all the testing you are doing. I am only using Chrome Version 28.0.1500.95 m.


Everything displayed fine for me. I would think that more people would test this version as it's impossible for us to test it on all of the unique server configurations, especially considering the global reach of PrestaShop installations.


Tod, you are using a 1and1 server right? Sorry if I'm mistaken.

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I am on Ipage, I have two different accounts with them one for nuggetsranchraceway.com and one for teamshepherdusa.com.

I do all my testing in a subfolder on the Team Shepherd account as this domain has an SSL cert.

I wonder if the issue might be the difference between Wamp and Live server.

I know when I build HTML web pages my program has a previes page ability, however when I load the site to a live server more often then not I have do do a little CSS editing as things just don't quit layout the same, usually spacing of items not the layout itself.


I would like to see some feedback from others testing on a live server using chrome to see if they have the same issues.


Chrome:Version 28.0.1500.95 m

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I'm very worried :unsure: about CSV attributes, because the supplier reference doesn't work correctly, it doesn't work in my shop, and I hoped that this problem it will work out in the next release, but I as can see it is not in this version 1.5.5


I don't know what to do, I tried to put this problem in bug traker, but nobody answer :( :( :(


I was trying to edit the AdminImportController.php but it wasn't successful, I'm sure that the problem is there....


Any suggestion?

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My English is poor

Not everything is meant

I do not have SSL

In my Top sellers working properly (checking in Firefox, Internet Expoler 10, Google Chrome)

Viewed products do not work if you change the settings

Please replace the

Preferences > Images: Product images: replace autos Height: Save: Regenerate thumbnails.

(Width) also does not work well

Photos size is not 58x58



Server information

Server information: Linux #1 SMP Fri Jun 14 12:46:24 CEST 2013 x86_64

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.3.26

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 150

Database information

MySQL version: 5.1.70

MySQL engine: InnoDB

Tables prefix: ps_

Store information

PrestaShop version:

Shop URL: http://www.iebest.linuxpl.info/pe15/

Current theme in use: default

Mail configuration

Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Your information

Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0

Check your configuration

Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: Please Fix the following errors

• magicquotes


Edited by karolwild (see edit history)
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I'm very worried :unsure: about CSV attributes, because the supplier reference doesn't work correctly, it doesn't work in my shop, and I hoped that this problem it will work out in the next release, but I as can see it is not in this version 1.5.5 I don't know what to do, I tried to put this problem in bug traker, but nobody answer :( :( :( I was trying to edit the AdminImportController.php but it wasn't successful, I'm sure that the problem is there.... Any suggestion?


Hi, could you link us to the forge report?

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My English is poor

Not everything is meant

I do not have SSL

In my Top sellers working properly (checking in Firefox, Internet Expoler 10, Google Chrome)

Viewed products do not work if you change the settings

Please replace the

Preferences > Images: Product images: replace autos Height: Save: Regenerate thumbnails.

(Width) also does not work well

Photos size is not 58x58



Server information

Server information: Linux #1 SMP Fri Jun 14 12:46:24 CEST 2013 x86_64

Server software version: Apache

PHP version: 5.3.26

Memory limit: 128M

Max execution time: 150

Database information

MySQL version: 5.1.70

MySQL engine: InnoDB

Tables prefix: ps_

Store information

PrestaShop version:

Shop URL: http://www.iebest.linuxpl.info/pe15/

Current theme in use: default

Mail configuration

Mail method: You are using the PHP mail function.

Your information

Your web browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0

Check your configuration

Required parameters: OK

Optional parameters: Please Fix the following errors

• magicquotes


Could you please disable CCC and enable CSS so I can look at your code and see if there is a difference from mine, on your site the best sellers displays fine on Google would like to see if you code is different.

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Hey Tod, also if you have any "reason" as to why you needed to make css changes, please let me know. We are not able to reproduce it on local, live, ssl on and off, with php 5.3-5.5 .. Do you think it could just be your set up?



I made changes to get images to align properly in block best sellers and to get Short description in product view to display on right and not under image.

There is something going on here as I looked at karolwild's site and the best sellers looked fine the product list had image issues but the short description was on right where it belongs.

The installs are straight forward never any errors, Google chrome is same version as yours, So what could cause this.


I am not sure what setup this could be, could a setting in the PHP.ini file cause these anomalies, other then that what part of my set up could this be.



I am doing a complete re-install, I will load the standard PHP.ini file without any changes, with the exception of those needed for install, magic quotes, F-open and session save path and see if that makes any difference.


What is strange is karolwild has image issues I have never seen on any install, while other parts I have issues with display fine, odd how one to other other seems inconsistent in the issues.


Any suggestions on areas to look into.

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OK this is odd, as I stated before in my site 1px makes the difference between product list displaying correct or not same with the bestsellers block. (played a little more last night and 1px can make it display correct)

On karolwild's site where things display correct if I add 1px to any of these areas I get the same effect as my site with the product list right block under image, or add 1 px to number field in best sellers image goes down and left as in the image I posted.


1px Really.

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:blink: Do you add the 1px to the same thing? What are the similarities with the server configuration? You both are on 5.3 php... That's strange. You downloaded from the latest release on GitHub?


Yes I downloaded the latest release from your link off of Github, I just downloaded again and am going to re-install, then I will leave site active so others like yourself can view the site and see if you see what I am seeing.

Yes, on the product list on karolwild's site if I add 1px to any block the right block moves under the image, on my site If I decrease any block by 1px the right block moves to the correct position.

On karolwilds site if I add 1px to the number block the image moves down and left and looks the same as the image I posted earlier, on my site If I decrease the number block then the image shows correct to the right of the number.


How strange is this.


ps. I have a test site and that site also displays the right block on product list under the image instead of to the right, I loaded a default PHP 5.3 ini and this had no effect on the display so I don't think this is a setting in the PHP.ini file.


It will be a little while before the new install is done I am deleting and re-uploading everything fresh.

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