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[Solved] Additional payment with different payment method, total not showing on invoice

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I tried to add an additional payment and I get a warning

Warning $ xxx.xx paid instead of $ xxx.xx

The thing is, that additional payment is meant as an administrative charge. The additional payment is listed at the side of the invoice but is not added to the total of the invoice. Hope someone can help me with this. Any free/low cost modules that would allow additional payment?


Edit: Editing in solved title

Edited by sparky123 (see edit history)
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Solution: A Very very crude solution to add additional payments; Create a new product named Administrative Charges and "add product" it to your order. Invoice will be updated. The Warning should not be there as the amount tallies. Remember not to let it appear on your shop with the right settings for the product. I list it as a "virtual item, product service", and set not to appear on shop.

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