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[SOLVED]Tax calculating correct in one category but not in another?

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As the title says my shop is calculating tax @ 20% correct in one category but not in another.


I have one country setup, UK, one language, one tax @ 20% and for some reason in a couple of my categories is seems to be calculating tax at around 17.5%


Has anyone had this problem before? I have checked all settings over and over but am unable to find why is isnt being calculated properly. As you can see from the screen shot the item is £299.99 and tax at 20% is £59.99 which means the pre-tax price should be £240 not £249.99 as listed. All my items in 3 categories are like this however I have some in other categories, which have combinations, that are being calculated correctly.








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Hi Ben,

Is it so that ONLY the ones with combinations have a correct Tax % of 20? Are ALL the products with combinations correct? Are ALL products without combinations incorrect?


What version of prestashop do you use?


No idea yet what can cause this. We need to delve deeper...


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Hi Pascal, I thought it was the ones with combinations that were correct but have since been back and changed more in other categories that dont have combinations. These ones work correctly, I have no idea why it isnt working in them all. Can you set tax rules per category, am I missing a setting?




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I think you'll find that you have a pre-tax price of 249.99, a 20% tax rate and a post-tax price of 299.99.


20% of 249.99 is 50.00 and 249.99 + 50.00 = 299.99. All looks good.


You can't calculate tax on the tax inclusive price, i.e. 20% of 299.99 is meaningless. The VAT is 50.00 not 59.99.

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Stotty you are a genius, for some reason my maths were all wrong.....probabaly due to my new baby keeping me up all night and me running on no sleep. I dont know how or why I was calculating the 20% off the full price. I am going to retreat in embarrassment now.


Thanks again!

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