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Add new Product form has blank screen

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I'm newby to PrestaShop. What would cause the Add New Product form to be blank. Every other form I go to (ie Categories, manufaturers etc) has data fields I can complete and save. This is a very primary form for PrestaShop and why would it be blank? I've added all our Categories so that isn't the problem. Any help would be most appreciated. Thanks!

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Hmmm. Could you post a screenshot so that it is more clear exactly what is showing up and what isn't?


I'm no expert (by any means), but this should help everyone be able to figure out what is going on.


If you don't know how to post a screenshot, just google it. Sometimes there is a specific button, sometimes a few to press at once, or sometimes an inbuilt program.

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Based on what I have (for version there should be an 'Add New', 'Export', 'Import', and 'Help' button on the upper right instead of just an 'Edit' when you go to the Catalog> Products page? What products would you edit if you haven't created any?


I already have products on my site, so it's not easy for me to recreate what Prestashop is like before you add products. Can someone else offer any thoughts/ comments about this? To me, it seems like you have a legitimate problem with the site.

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This is the screen you come to AFTER I click on "Add new" off the Catalog > Products menu. There simply is no form to enter the product information there...it is just a blank screen as the screen shot shows. And you are correct, there are no items added yet to this database.

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Looks to me like it is missing the entire box where you enter information about products. Hopefully someone more experienced than me will be able to figure out why that is happening. If no one does, you can post it on the bug tracker.


The payment module of my site has been broken for over a month and I haven't managed to get it fixed despite forum posting, various efforts to fix it based on the one or two responses I received, many forum updates, and a forge posting with updates. Sooooo, it can be tricky.


Best wishes to you getting it working.

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turn on error reporting in your configuration file. check also browser console log (in chrome ctrl+shift+J)

if any error will appear (both in website after turning error reporting on, and in the console log) - please paste the error code here

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Thank you for that advise. I'm just the QuickBooks consultant trying to learn PrestaShop and Webgility connection so client can automate orders to QuickBooks Point of Sale system. I'll pass this on to the web designer my client is using and I will let you know what he comes up with. Thanks again and I'll keep you posted. Is this the best place to resolve this or should we sign up for PrestaShop annual support which I believe is about $400 or so?

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