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WishlistCart ??

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Debugging my shop, there is just one problem that I am aware of and that is that I cannot add a product to the wishlist.
I can see the request in my javascript error console but it says WishlistCart is not defined.

Any ideas where I should find this?

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Radders,


I don't know if you have solved it yet or not. But as I was checking the javascript error code which is WishlistCart is not defined, then I search the word "WishlistCart" to find the javascript function in blockwishlist module and found it only in blockwishlist-header.tpl. In my case, I have removed the blockwishlist from header hook and I only hooked it to the left column. So, the function WishlistCart is not loaded. To solved this just copy the code below and paste it in blockwishlist.tpl. Refresh the page, test it and I hope this will works. thanks


<!-- BlockWishlist -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$modules_dir}blockwishlist/js/ajax-wishlist.js"></script>
<!-- END BlockWishlist -->

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