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[solved] Remove American Flag?

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Hi guys,


I am from the UK so my default language is english. In the top tight of prestoshop store are two drop down menu's. One for the currency (which only shows £ which is what i want) and to the right of that is a little drop down with flags in it.


By default its showing the American flag and if i roll over it I can then choose the British Flag.


How do i remove the American flag please and simply have the British flag with no other option?




How do i make the British flag the defualt one and then have other language UNDER the british flag, so I might want French, spanish and italian languages?


Any idea please guys and as always, thanks for your help :)


see screenshot



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Can be done by first going to Localization ->Localization (Sorry for not using LocaliSation here ;-) )

Here you can change the default language. Change it to English.


Then you can go to localization->Languages.

And disable the English (American) item.


Refresh the shop page.


If everything is all right, you should see only the English flag in the shop


Hope this helps,


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