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Customer Import Problem

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Hello everyone!


I am working on a website for a local company and I have some issues when it comes to the customers. There is an old PS website (1.3) and now I want to make a new one on 1.5. I made the new design and layout (css and tpl part) and also configured the module. So far so good. But now, when I want to populate the new site, I have some problems. The categories and products were OK, imported them normaly with no errors, but when it comes to customers I have some problems.

I imported the .csv file, all the attributes are OK, all of the customers are there but they cannot log in. They get an authentication error on the login page, like the password is not right. Also, just to be sure, I tried creating a new account with an email that already was imported earlier, and it says that it exists, so the emails are OK.

Any ideas? Please help!

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