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Static shipping prices on individual products

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I was wondering if you there is anyway for me to make an individual product have static shipping costs. I am using price ranges for determining shipping costs, but I have a product or two that just won't fit into the shipping ranges because they are extremely heavy to ship, which puts the shipping costs through the roof. If anyone knows hwo I can do this, please let me know.

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You could always just make a range for that individual item. The range does not have to be an actual weight always, just use it as an identifying tool for these objects.

Say I had an object that didn't work in my ranges. I could just give it a really heavy weight, say, 10001, and then create a range for that number and assign a price. If I had a second item I could give it 10002 and so on and so forth.

Not as easy as having a static shipping field with the product, but it will work just fine.

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